In 1990’s, MIT’s Atmospheric Laboratory conducted field trials in non-conventional weather modification technologies.
Through further studies, atmospheric researchers developed a theory that identified macro‐scale weather chaos as ‘the key’ to influencing weather. During late 1990’s an independent research team in Australia stumbled on an ‘atmospheric mechanism’ whilst exploring origins of this theory (link). Experimental trials revealed that “small amounts of electromagnetic energy, applied intelligently,” could force change into weather, based on atmospheric sine wave patterns. This research culminated in the development of an atmospheric resonance technology, represented by Aquiess International (aquiess).
Electromagnetic wave forms are utilized to deliver signals toward a target weather system, that may be as remote as beyond the visible horizon. Proprietary technologies which draw upon data from locally applied hardware and software as well as disparate sensors, are deployed to modify the patterns forming ‘oceanic corridors’ that deliver rain. Scientific analysis of aquiess’ results, shows what is described as ‘resonance technology’, has both a vast reach and incremental scalability.
The core technology and primary IP are protected by treaties and strict security protocols which surround the project. Source: Aquiess
Aquiess and Sciblue team up to end Texas drought using cloud ionization – April thru July 2012 (source: aquiess)
Aquiess’ gentle soaking rain and micro-weather modification can assist in a range of applications:
- drought mitigation
- flood reduction
- frost avoidance
- hail mitigation
- heat wave mitigation
- precipitation
- wind reduction
Aquiess weather modification is based on frequencies that are discoverable, code and algorithms, which can enable (an apparent) direct connectivity between programming operations and atmospheric systems. One commonly accepted analogy to this is the setting up of harmonic waves by soldiers marching on a bridge. If enough soldiers march in-time on a bridge, the bridge will oscillate and could inadvertently destroyed. If a device was produced to remotely ‘deploy’ the same harmonic frequency upon that bridge, it could be physically destroyed without the soldiers. Using this ‘resonance mechanism’ we have been able to demonstrate modification of atmospheric streams of gentle soaking rain. Source: Aquiess: Theory
Image source: Aquiess RAINAID – African Drought Relief using Electromagnetic Cloud Shifting
Image source: Aquiess RAINAID – Weaving Global Moisture, Images reference:
Aquiess KTN Interview, How it works | Video Link
Aquiess RAINAID technology (PDF)
Youtube Channel